Umbrella Care Instructions
Note: When not in use, keep the umbrella closed and covered with a storage cover.
Although the fabric is mold, mildew and rot resistant, the fabric should be allowed to dry completely before storage. Atmospheric pollution deposits on the surface of the fabric can still potentially mold and mildew under damp conditions. Under any stormy conditions, keep the umbrella closed and covered.

African Mahogany Umbrella Frame Care
Cleaning Frequency:
The wooden frame has been varnished for long lasting protection. We suggest that you re-varnish the frame once every two years to keep it from drying out.
Treatment Materials:
The water based eco-friendly varnish that we use is not currently available for retail, however, any tung oil such as the one we can sell provides a tough, flexible and highly water-resistant coating, which also removes any surface scratching that may have occurred between varnishes. You will also need two clean cloths and a pair of gloves to protect your skin.
Re-Treatment Steps:
- Remove the umbrella canopy to avoid anything getting on the fabric. Instructions on canopy removal can be found on the webpage.
- Protect your skin by putting on gloves. Be sure there is nothing that the varnish can drop onto and damage during application
- Apply using a soft cloth, using small amounts of the varnish on the cloth.
- Once all of the wood has been varnished, then allow 1 hour of drying. Tung Oil dries relatively slow as it reacts with air to cure. A warm, dry, well ventilated environment is best.
- Next using a different clean cloth, remove all excess from the surface.
- If you need more applications be sure to apply 12 hours apart.
- Once completed, wait another 1 hour before re-attaching the canopy.
Canopy Care
Cleaning Frequency:
The local environment has a great deal to do with determining cleaning frequency. Cleaning is required less frequently in a dry environment than in a humid one with heavy foliage. In most environments a thorough cleaning will be needed every year to two years. Every three years, fabrics should be re-treated. If there is any sign of dirt or mildew, clean immediately and begin cleaning more frequently.
Simple Maintenance:
The fabric has a special finish that delays the accumulation of dirt. To delay the need for deep cleanings, frequently remove dust from the canvas by hosing the fabric off with clean water on a monthly basis. This practice will help prevent dirt from becoming deeply embedded in the fabric and eliminate the need for more frequent deep cleanings.
Deep Cleaning Steps:
- Remove the umbrella canopy from the frame. Instructions on canopy removal can be found on the webpage.
- Always use a mild soap such as standard dishwash soap. Never use detergent.
- Allow soap to soak in while cleaning.
- Use a soft bristle brush to clean tough dirt spots, if necessary.
- Rinse off with clean water that is cold to lukewarm. Never use water that is hotter than 80 degrees. Rinse thoroughly to leave absolutely no soap residue behind.
- Air dry only. Never apply heat to the fabrics.
- If it is time to, re-treat the canopy with the Sunbrella recommended 303 Fabric Guard, which we do sell. This extends the life of the fabric and applies via a spray bottle.
- Once fully dry, then re-attach the canopy to the umbrella frame.
Enjoy your Greencorner umbrella for seasons to come!

Installation & Safety
Safety Tips
Close the umbrella & cover with a storage cover during excessive winds to prevent injury and damage. Umbrellas should be removed when winds are expected to exceed 50 mph.
Umbrellas damaged by wind or storms are not covered under manufacturer’s warranty, nor is Greencorner Umbrellas LLC responsible for any damage or injury from the umbrella as a result of strong winds . Although the fabric is mold, mildew and rot resistant, the fabric should be allowed to dry completely before storage. Atmospheric pollution deposits on the surface of the fabric can still potentially mold and mildew under damp conditions.